2025 Goals

Cirtus at the farmer's market in Florida

I completed a solid 76% of my goals in 2024. To improve this number, the best strategy is to lower the bar. You can always pull more projects in if you need, but setting a more reasonable expectation is an easy way to hit the mark when calling your shot.

One thing I’m calling out ahead of time with some of my goals this is year is the reward I’ll give myself when it’s completed. I read a lot on building good feedback loops in the previous year, and something big I learned was how important rewards are for reinforcing behavior.

  1. 75 Medium Challenge
    • Forthcoming blog post describing this process, but this is essentially using the viral 75 Hard challenge as a jump off for more sustainable habit building.
    • Reward: Amp sim pedal for >95%
  2. Record and release a Cosmic Strain EP
    • We’ve got a lot of good songs written, and recording plans on the books
  3. Mottled Moth presents The Grownd Proulers EP
    • This is going to be a fun one, I’m cleaning up and releasing some old recordings I made with my friends in our heyday
  4. Launch an application outside of my job
    • There’s certainly a blog series here about the design and implementation of this code
    • Reward: new tattoo
  5. Buy a house

I also switched up a few things on my routine lists, removed a few things that were not adding value and added a few new habits to build:


  • Play 10 minutes of guitar


  • Publish a blog post
  • Sharpen my chef’s knife