Reading Bingo 2025
Last year’s Reading Bingo was a success! I play with two leagues, one for my wife’s family and one for my own. This year Dzhuliyana brought home the hardware for the former, and my sister-in-law Hanna won gold in the latter.

Boards for this year are available here. The objective is to read a book that fits the description on a square to mark it off. You get 1 point for:
- A square
- A row, column, or diagonal
- Four corners
- Full board blackout (+2, so that a full board is 40 points)
If you complete a full board, you can restart with a new board from any year.
I recommend finding a group of friends to make league! Please let me know if you enjoy the idea so I can include it in next year’s blog post. :^)

I read 42 books last year, the list is available on Goodreads. A few of my favorites were:
- The Maniac - an astounding meditation on technology, past present and future
- Yellowface - A hilarious lampoon of cultural appropriation
- Hyperion - A sci-fi classic up there with the likes of Dune and Foundation, with a really interesting take on interstellar travel and empire building